Friday, March 14, 2025

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to drive traffic to your blog - Part 1 ;

Succeeding with a blog can be very easy if your blog is driving substantial traffic, before trying to promote your blog remember the basics that unless your blog has appealing and quality content you wont be able to reap the benefits. Promoting without quality content might drive visitors once to your blog but what you want is the visitor to keep coming back.

Here are some tips I would like to share with you from my personal experience:

1) Social Media

Use social networking services like stumbleupon, digg, reddit and others to drive 'free' traffic to your site. Social bookmarking services drive a substantial amount of traffic as your website is referred by your readers which is one of the best form to spread your website awareness.

2) Comment on popular blogs

Commenting on popular blogs with good traffic leaving behind your website url. Remember to comment on blogs relevant to your niche to drive traffic that is relevant to your site. The idea is to comment in top one or two comments, becoming a regular commentor helps in getting quality traffic. Some blogs also promote regular commentors which is an added advantage. Having said that remember not to post comments for spamming purpose but to debate or add some quality information to topic.

3) Use Feedburner

Provide subscription services for your visitors to get notified whenever you post through Feedburner. Feedburner automatically notifies the subscriber when you publish a new post encouraging subscriber to visit your site.

4) Be Interactive

Interact with your visitors through blog comments, emails and other services. Print your blog url on outgoing emails to promote your blog by attaching your signature.

5) Write Smart!

Write smart and "to the point posts", dragging posts too long can distract visitors and "kill" attention. Smart writing is effective writing.


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